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Image by Warren Wong



Get rid of gaps in your teeth.

Dental bridges are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. A bridge is a custom-made appliance that consists of one or more replacement teeth, known as pontics, which are anchored in place by dental crowns. The crowns are placed on the teeth on either side of the gap, known as abutment teeth, and these teeth support the pontics. This creates a bridge that is anchored in place and functions just like natural teeth.


Dental bridges are a great option for anyone who is missing one or more teeth. They can help to restore your ability to chew and speak properly, and they can also improve the appearance of your smile. Bridges can also help to prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of place, which can lead to bite problems and further tooth loss.

One of the main advantages of dental bridges is that they are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike removable dentures, bridges are anchored in place and cannot be taken out. This means that they function just like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.


Another advantage of dental bridges is that they can be made to match your natural teeth, making them virtually invisible. They are made from porcelain, which is a strong and durable material that can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth.

The process of getting a bridge typically involves two appointments. During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare the abutment teeth by removing a small amount of enamel. 3D images will be taken of your teeth and gums to create a custom-made bridge that is tailored to your unique needs. At the second appointment, the custom-made bridge will be placed and adjusted for a comfortable fit.


It's important to note that maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of the bridge. This includes regular brushing and flossing, as well as visiting your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. With proper care, a bridge can last for many years and may even be a permanent solution for missing teeth.


In addition, it's worth to mention that bridges are not suitable for every patient. Your dentist will determine whether a bridge is the best option for you based on your individual case. Alternative options such as dental implants may be recommended for patients with significant bone loss or who are not suitable candidates for a bridge.


In conclusion, dental bridges are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They can help to restore your ability to chew and speak properly, improve the appearance of your smile and prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of place. With proper care, a bridge can last for many years and may even be a permanent solution for missing teeth. If you're missing one or more teeth and are looking for a solution that is both functional and aesthetic, a dental bridge may be the right choice for you.






What is a dental bridge? 


A dental bridge is designed to help fill in gaps left by a missing tooth. This tooth may have been lost, extracted, maybe it never grew in. Regardless of the cause, the dentists at Premier Dental Group will use a small ceramic structure to span any gaps in your smile. A dental bridge is comprised of a single ceramic tooth, one or two crowns that anchor the bridge on secure teeth, and the actual bridge element.


Why do I need a dental bridge? 


This procedure helps fill in gaps within a person's smile to restore confidence and function. Whenever you have a tooth removed or missing, our cosmetic experts can assist you through the process of getting a dental bridge to bring your smile back to an aesthetic, natural state.


What are the advantages of a dental bridge? 


Dental bridges are simple in design and quick to apply. To make sure your smile remains as natural as possible, our dental bridges are custom-tailored to fit the shape of your mouth.


Feel free to contact the team at Premier Dental Group i Roxburgh Park to learn if this treatment could be right for you.

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